Customers not using catalogue providers who receive our catalogue either via a direct URL or FTP should be updating their systems every day.Review 3rd party systems to ensure all data is present and up to date (Delivery location, Req Points, Depots, Financial Coding etc.).Be fully aware of whom in the Trust receives either the TX (Order Acknowledgement) reports and/or status 200 messages with order updates.Send orders to NHS Supply Chain before 16:00.Regularly review order standards or methods to ensure the most up to date standards are being used.Review on a regular basis the configuration of Requirements and Req points.Put PDAs on charge when not being used.Review non stock interfaces and ensure that planned changes are notified to NHS Supply Chain in due course.

excel spreadsheets) these should be maintained regularly. Local Catalogue – If you maintain local lists (i.e.Regularly update your Materials Management Database (MMD) and Stock/Local catalogues on the PDAs.Always ensure you have a Trust and Req point selected on your account before searching the catalogue or placing an order.Saved favourite to our NHS Supply Chain main website is the best approach. We recommend not to use a saved favourite directly to the Online Ordering page as may cause caching issues.Review the Unsatisfied Requisition (Req) Lines report as soon as possible to understand unsatisfied demand or product information.Consider reviewing your Masked products and Financial Coding.Consider reviewing products on your Standing Orders/Favourite lists on a regular basis.Regularly review and update the Trust Administrators, User Maintenance/Authoriser roles.Log out of your account when you have finished placing your order.Save orders if you will be leaving your computer for more than 10 minutes.See our Downloads Section for a printable pdf to put up in your office. If you are new to ordering or need a refresher, here are our top tips to ensure your orders can be as smooth as possible. There are a variety of ways in which you can place your order with NHS Supply Chain, and we appreciate that it can be confusing.